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Integrate with many systems
For many years we developed e-commerce connectors, and we always did it with a 1-to-1 setup. But today's e-commerce is not just about connecting your ERP system with an online shop anymore. So when re-designing NAVcommerce we started with quite a few new goals.
The e-commerce space is full of additional possibilities for selling products. There are marketplaces (Amazon, eBay), shopping directories (Google Shopping), comparison sites. Perhaps you have additional sites, shops or apps yourself. Or you might want to make use of affiliate systems. Could be that you want to synchronize newly registered customers with your Dynamics CRM or SalesForce? At least sync them with your favorite mailing list provider. And, like this we could go on for a while.
These scenarios were exactly what made us rethink integration. And this type of integration should not be added as layers and blocks of bespoke software in your NAV/BC system. Your systems will collapse under the heavy load of software and your company might just not survive paying all the invoices that come with it.
How does it work
Easy, by going from a one-to-one integration to a one-to-many cloud hosted setup, we can offer you all of the above mentioned integrations as additional options. Where in the past if you wanted to add Amazon Marketplace integration to your existing NAV or Business Central e-commerce setup, you would get a big quote for complex customization and development work from your partner. And, now.. you just click on 'add feature', provide a couple of settings and you are done!
The cool thing with the hosted integration services is that besides adding a ton of new possibilities, it also lowers the pressure on your own servers. You just install one light weight component and from there our Azure hosted servers take care of all the heavy work.